The awful truth, spoken by the MGM lion.

>> ^quantumushroom:
A dehydrated nihilist a-hole speaking with an authority not unlike that of the devout religious.
The only real answer to any claim of what will or won't happen at death is: "We'll see."

You won't see, because you will be dead. There will not be a you to see and be correct, because you will be gone.


"Life is only good because death ends it"...

Wtf? That's relativism of the worst sort. I don't see the attraction at all. I wish I understood why people are drawn to relativism though.


I'm going with the unpopular minority, and agreeing with quantumushroom that this wasn't that great. The end helped it a little, as did the novelty of the lion being the narrator. It did not inspire me, or move me, but only bored me after the initial few seconds of amusement from the lion speaking wore off.


Yeah, whatever talking Lion. I know they didn't have FUTURE MEDICINE!!!! In the old days but we don't have to worry about that death shit anymore.

Excuse me whilst I go eat my stem cell sandwich with mustard.


I'm not going to die. I'm going to use scientific advances of 21st century to aid my body and rejuvenate cells, so I don't get old. After a while, I will upload my mind and make 1000 backup copies. So, yes, I'm going to live forever. Unless until then a brick falls on my head or something.


>> ^Truth:
I'm not going to die. I'm going to use scientific advances of 21st century to aid my body and rejuvenate cells, so I don't get old. After a while, I will upload my mind and make 1000 backup copies. So, yes, I'm going to live forever. Unless until then a brick falls on my head or something.

Don't forget about the clone machine. Upload the backup copies, into a million fresh bodies, arm them with weapons, take over a small country, then build a space program; Colonize Mars, clone yourself several billion more times, build a fleet of advanced spacecraft, then take over Earth. After that, you have your billions and billions of clones work on a single super mind... an overmind -- then focus your attention on neurobiological and wormhole advancements and send your mind across the universe into other galaxies.

Pretty soon you will rule the galaxy, ascend from your carbon-based bodies and become a god.

It's all pretty simple and outlined in my book.


"They learned to store knowledge in the structure of space itself and to preserve their thoughts for eternity in frozen lattices of light. They could become creatures of radiation, free at last from the tyranny of matter."

- Arthur C Clarke


The artistic side of me appreciates this. You couldn't call it pessimistic, exactly. It's horribly dark, and the creator uses an ad nauseum argument to wonderful effect. We are indeed so sick of the repetition of this extremely dark message that the end is all the more poignant. We are happy to take his side. Overall, a very effective piece.

However, one can appreciate art even if it is a lie. Even if it is amoral (or even immoral). I'm appalled by the implications of such a definite, inflexible doctrine, delivered in such a self-assured way. I think that the concept of death as an end to the self is a lie. That is why I'm disturbed by the extreme nihilism in this video; The type of nihilism that often leads to moral relativism. If our concept of self is purely biological, we do not make decisions. Skipping a few logical and philosophical points, the path of this video leads to the conclusion that we have no agency. That our thoughts are an illusion. That we are biological robots, and that all of our actions have been determined since the beginning of time. Determinism, in other words. And I hate determinism. I refuse to believe that my human experience is a sham. That I am not me, that my life is an illusion, and that I do not determine my destiny. Ick. Maybe I'm deluding myself. I don't care. I agree with the video: There is nothing wrong with that. I choose to be happy and to find something in life beyond the meaning it is given by death. I think that I win no matter what happens.

But if you agree with this video and you're a determinist, why would you blame me for taking this position? It isn't as if I had any choice in the matter.

In other words, I'm going to go with Jean-Luc Picard on this one:


>> ^thepinky:
I think that the concept of death as an end to the self is a lie.
If our concept of self is purely biological, we do not make decisions. Skipping a few logical and philosophical points, the path of this video leads to the conclusion that we have no agency.

I don't know why you think it's a lie. Also I don't know why you think a non-magical concept of self necessitates a lack of agency.


>> ^thepinky:

If our concept of self is purely biological, we do not make decisions. Skipping a few logical and philosophical points, the path of this video leads to the conclusion that we have no agency. That our thoughts are an illusion. That we are biological robots, and that all of our actions have been determined since the beginning of time. Determinism, in other words. And I hate determinism. I refuse to believe that my human experience is a sham. That I am not me, that my life is an illusion, and that I do not determine my destiny. Ick. Maybe I'm deluding myself. I don't care. I agree with the video: There is nothing wrong with that. I choose to be happy and to find something in life beyond the meaning it is given by death. I think that I win no matter what happens.
But if you agree with this video and you're a determinist, why would you blame me for taking this position? It isn't as if I had any choice in the matter.

Interesting how people take different points from videos, eh? I've actually saved this on my desktop and watch about once a month. For me, it is oddly hopeful. The message I get from it is to make your life count. Don't passively watch time tick away, but LIVE.

I don't understand how you got determinism from the video, but perhaps that is just because I perceived it differently than you. No matter what your belief, death is change where you can't interact with the world that you are currently in (or at least there haven't been any proven cases of spirits, etc interacting with our world. Yes, I know that it an assumption, but I think that we can agree that there isn't any reproducible evidence to the contrary.) So whatever you believe in, you will not be able to interact with this world anymore. So make this life count. Dare to dream and dare to chase that dream.

That's the message or, perhaps more appropriately, the reminder that I take from this video.


>> ^rebuilder:

>> ^thepinky:
I think that the concept of death as an end to the self is a lie.
If our concept of self is purely biological, we do not make decisions. Skipping a few logical and philosophical points, the path of this video leads to the conclusion that we have no agency.

I don't know why you think it's a lie. Also I don't know why you think a non-magical concept of self necessitates a lack of agency.

She assumes that one can't be his or her own agent.

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